Sunday, January 15, 2012

Herbal Mischief for the New Year!

I have lots of incredible herbal mischief planned for the next few months! I want to 'play with my herbs' this year, rather than focus only on the theory and science side of things. However, I'd still like an overall focus or theme for what I'm doing. So, this year, my themes are Historical Herbalism and The Herbal Household. My free time will be full of the two things I like best: reading; and cramming my little condo full of useful, delightful, herbal creations.

As far as Historical Herbalism goes, I am very interested in the history of herbalism in the west, especially from the middle ages onward. I would love to focus on the herbalism of Britain and North America during that time span. In general, I would like to gain an overall picture of the ways herbalism has changed over time, and brush up on important names and dates. Still need to do some initial research, but should be putting together a tentative reading list over the next week or so. Also picking out which herbs I would like to study in depth this year alongside western herbalism. 

One of the things I would like to do with the Herbal Household theme is: Eat More Herbs! There is quite a collection of intriguing recipes in my herbal notebook, and a rather large portion of my kitchen is being overtaken by interesting oils, vinegars, herbal sprinkles, and teas. I would like to add herbal motifs to my home decorating and wardrobe, too, which is going to be even  more fun!

The Apothecary got inventoried today, so I can put together a shopping list for the ingredients needed in my culinary experiments and replenish my herbal must-haves. There is something immensely satisfying about opening up my herbal cupboard and having plenty of supplies to play with whenever the mood strikes. . .

A shelf or two in my cabinet of curiosities. .
"Geez lady, you and your dried plants!
You know you should be feeding me, right?"
I think it's going to be a very entertaining and exciting year here at the Indie Herbalist!

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